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Contacts and Favors


Q. How do I get my contacts?

You get contacts by solving favours. Instead of the usual gift at the end of the favour, the townie will tell you they are becoming your contact. Contacts are allocated randomly; you get two in each city. One will be an evidence contact (Tailor, Podiatrist, Librarian, Barber, or their equivalent in other cities), The other will come from the remaining townies.


Q. Can I choose which contact I get?

Technically, no you can’t. However, you can quit all favours that are not for your chosen townie and eventually your chosen townie will become your contact. Be warned, this can take an extraordinarily long time.


Q. How long to get all my contacts?

Oh dear, how long is a piece of string? Sadly, we cannot answer this one. Contacts are allocated randomly and may come at any time. Some people get them really quickly whilst others have to wait a lot longer. As long as you’re correctly solving favours for the town’s people you're doing all that you can, they will come eventually. The last contact (your eighth) usually takes the longest to get, it is wise to ensure this last contact is not a PE one. 




Q. How often will I get a favour?

You should get a favour every fourth case you successfully solve. So if you solved your last favour, you only need to solve another 3 daily cases to get your next one. If you failed to solve your last favour, you’ll need to solve 4 daily cases to get your next one.


Q. Can I choose who I do a favour for?

No, favours are randomly allocated. If, for some reason you don’t want to do a favour for a particular townie, you’ll have to quit any that you get.


Q. How do I hold a favour?

Once you have been told that a particular townie has a favour for you, you can chose not to play it right away and simply carry on playing your daily cases. However, whilst you are holding that favour you cannot get another one. Holding favours is therefore only useful if you’re in an agency.


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